And Now For Some More Sandstone
Dead Horse Point
The Colorado River does its work. The oldest strata, the Cutler Formation, closest to the brown red water, deposited during the Permian Period from 275 to 250 million years ago.
Eitan wraps up football camp with the
Montrose Indians, which is the pre screen for Montrose high school football
team. Coach is a soccer guy, ex athlete, and enthusiastic in a way that American coaches are meant to be: everybody above average and each kid deserves a chance to play. Eitan sniffs at the quality at first then fits right in. As an
aside, Coach say the colleges recruit
from the academies where prospects may play 80 or
90 games a year+the high school season "It's all about touch time", Coach adds.
Stan gives a toast in front of 50 of his
friends: “Eitan, who is your favorite football team?”
Eitan, pause: “The Montrose
Me, aside: “Nice one kid. You’re learning how to play ‘adult’ “