Bryce Canon #1
On the Sunset Trail
"Mechanical weathering is the most important type of weathering at Bryce Canyon. On about 200 days a year the temperature rises above freezing during the day and drops below freezing at night. During these freeze/thaw cycles, water seeps into cracks in the rock, expands as it freezes, and breaks apart the rock."Chemical weathering, while less important, also helps break down the rocks at Bryce Canyon. Water picks up weak acids from the air and soil, dissolving the calcium carbonate cement, which holds the clay, silt, and sand particles together. The particles then fall away, helping in a small way to shape the formations."
--Park plaque, Rainbow Point vista
Sonnet jogs by Snow College (“Your future starts here”; mascot, the fighting badger) in Richfield, Utah, as a tank pulls out from the campus centre, manned with a gunner.
Sonnet: "Then there was the western wear store selling tackle, clothing, feed and fencing."