Daily circulation - National Morning Popular press - June '05
Daily Mirror 1,742,378
Daily Record 462,472
Daily Star 855,612
The Sun 3,230,652
Total of average daily net circulation: 6,291,114
London, England
at 08:59
at 18:25
at 14:20
I spend my Sunday afternoon at Heathrow - picture from Terminal 4, Gate 15. I learn from my driver that T4 opened in 1984 and the airport paid for the installation of sound-proofing for the houses that seem to end at the run-way. Heathrow 5 and the third runway will open in '08 while the airport remains the busiest in the world. Lucky us. To make up for the latter half of my day, I bike Richmond Park in the morning then take Eitan to the common to play football. Sonnet makes Sunday waffles and bacon - the English kind that is thick and salty (not those skimpy strips in the USA). Now I eat French fries at The Westin and watch a French program on killer whales.
at 20:17
I am off to Rotterdam today then Germany for the Super Return Conference. Most of us ex-pats, even after ten years, don't know where Holland is or the difference between Holland and The Netherlands. So here it is:
Holland occupies an area of 41,160 square kilometres and is home to 16 million people. Partly reclaimed from the waters of the North Sea, it is Europe’s most densely populated country. The Netherlands enjoyed a golden age from around 1580 to 1740 when the Dutch East India Company sent ships to the Far East in search of spices and other exotic goods, while colonising the Cape of Good Hope, Indonesia, Surinam, the Antilles, and New Amsterdam (now New York). Today, only the Antilles remain a Dutch colony and are really self ruling. Disaster hit the country in 1953 when a high spring tide accompanied by a severe storm broke the dykes in Zeeland. 1,835 people drowned. To make sure such a tragedy would never occur again, the Delta Project blocked the southwest river deltas using a network of dams, dykes and 3.2km storm surge barrier.
Eitan and Madeleine watch the movie Babe about a pig on a farm. Madeleine asks: "where do sausages come from, mum?" and the film takes on new meaning.
Madeleine excitedly asks: "Eitan after you have had a bath and changed your clothes do you want to play tea parties with me?"
I look under Eitan's bed to find British and American money (coins and bills); a "stash" of Halloween candy and various treasures including music CDs, polished rocks, toys and toy bits, a shield, a compass and some marbles.
at 10:55
According to the World Health Organization, China has one of the highest rates of smokers among its male population - more than two thirds of the adult males are smokers. Only Russia and some eastern European countries come close to this high prevalence of smoking in China. In India, by comparison, the percentage of smokers among adult males, is less than half of China. Only some 30 percent of the adult males are smoking in India.
In the European nations of Germany, France, and Spain around 40% of the males are smoking - some 15% more than in the United States of America. Only the United Kingdom and Finland have rates of male smokers that are comparable with the USA. In Sweden, on the other hand, less than 20% of the males are smoking.
The situation among females is completely different: In the WHO selection of countries, China and India have the lowest rates of female smokers - only 3 to 5 percent. Female smokers are also rare in Russian . Very high rates of female smokers, however, can be found in Norway, Germany, and France - where roughly 30 percent of all adult females are smoking. In the US the proportion of female smokers is around 22 percent.
In any case, I am in Paris tonight for meetings, returning tomorrow. This airborn shot of Eitan taken in '04 on holiday in the Sierras.
at 19:50
How did this late-summer photo get by me I wonder? Taken in Richmond nearby the High Street and our house, Eitan, Madeleine and I burn off some Sunday afternoon energy during the fading sunshine. While winter arrived disturbingly late in '06 the farmer's day-light savings nets dark mornings and early sunsets. We take what we can get outdoors. I note that Madeleine wears her All-England gear, excluding the sandals of course.
Katie leaves for Miami today to cover the trial of Carl Dorelian who was a wealthy member of the Haitian military regime’s high command, promoted for his role in staging a violent coup d'etat. Not only was he granted amnesty in the United States, he won $3.2MM in the state lottery.
I ask Eitan and Madeleine how we can reduce garbage and help the planet. Madeleine suggests: "if you love a rabbit, keep it."
at 21:54
at 11:44
Yesterday we check out the Aldershot Military Museum, located on one of the two surviving barrack bungalows built in North Camp in the 1890s. We learn that before 1854 and the arrival of the army, Aldershot was a town of 17,000 with 130 pubs. Lawlessness and buggery was the rule but the area offered a nice, bog-free local close to London and suitable for a tent and GI Joe. During WWI and II, the complex became the British training grounds for troops on their way to Europe. Madeleine in front of the Marching Regiment otherwise known as The Old-Age Pensioners that Time Forgot.
at 16:04
The kids and I are in the forgettable town of Farnborough, Surrey this weekend while Sonnet visits Paris. We stay family-style at the Holiday Inn which has a swimming pool and spa open from 0700 to 2200 (rest assured we are arrive at 0701). The kids are thrilled by in-room movies and room-service. Farnborough otherwise hosts a military base, museum and sports grounds so after the morning dip we take our football kit to a professional pitch and kick the ball around. Eitan is dog-eared by the end but holds it together to earn a number of goals from me (Madeleine, wary of the fierce father-son competition, finds a sand trap to make castles). We return to the hotel for another hour in the pool - Eitan and I discuss the chemical compound H2-O which floats us.
"It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what is required." Churchill
at 20:28
You must have heard of the nice Jewish boy who meets the girl he would like to marry. He realises she has to run the gauntlet of his mother. He decides he will take two other girls home as well, to see if his mother will be able to choose the one he wants to marry.
He gets home. the three girls sit down on the sofa opposite his mother. After two minutes, she says to her son, 'It's the one on the left.'
He says, 'Mother, that's amazing. It's incredible. How could you guess? How could you work out she is the one I want to marry?'
His mother shrugs and says, 'Already I don't like her.'
at 13:36
Mrs Sedden, Madeleine's reception teacher, and I sit down for our parent-teacher review of Madeleine's progress. "Madeleine" she says "is enthusiastic, enjoyable to be with, and making excellent progress. She takes her work seriously in the class-room and pays good attention to her work. She is a pleasure." Mrs Sedden also comments:
"Madeleine is working hard on her reading and writing. She recognises the beginning of words which she can write. She can spell her full name, and can trace and copy new words. When she started in September 2006, she could recognise 9 letters. At Christmas 14 and now 21 - this is 'excellent progress.' The next stage for her is to assemble the letter-sounds of a word into a full word."
On numeracy, Madeleine is "just where she should be." She recognises numbers 1 to 5 and is working on 5 to 10. She can add 1's (ie, 1+1, 5+1 9+1 etc) and understands the 10 series (10, 20, 30, 40....). She is comfortable and enjoys math.
"Madeleine's drawing is becoming more focused and less abstract." Mrs Sedden shows me an early drawing of a person and now - the difference is striking. "She is very creative and loves to work with the various art tools."
I thank Mrs Sedden, who says "well thank you for letting us have Madeleine." Bravo.
at 10:38
Well, who would have thunk that I would find myself waiting outside Eitan's classroom on a chilly Thursday evening for a parent-teacher conference? Madeleine's review follows shortly. Mrs Reynolds, Head Teacher of the Hedge Hogs (Eitan's Year 1 class), notes that Eitan is "positive about learning. He takes everything in stride and knows how to focus. Eitan enjoys school and appreciates that it is about a bit of fun." Other comments from her: "He absorbs learning, works hard, and sets a high standard for himself." Mrs Reynolds concludes that Eitan "is a star" which of course comes as no surprise to me. Further comments:
"Eitan's reading is coming along nicely and he is able to spell "high frequency" words correctly (the, they, must, etc). His progress is excellent."
On numeracy: his numbers work is "good" and he can count forwards and backwards in tens. His calculation is strong to 20 and he is "comfortable" in this medium. Eitan loves music, is active and coordinated in playground PE (the kids play "hockey stick"); he recognises coins, appreciates the concept of "heavier and lighter", can name 3-D objects and is learning how to use a computer key-board. In class the kids are studying China and science: healthy foods and the body. Eitan knows the difference between healthy food and sweets.
On Eitan's inter-personal skills: "he shows good empathy, communicates easily and is well liked by the other children and his teachers. " All children are asked to set a goal for themselves; Eitan's will be to "eat my lunch more quickly". When asked to think about an accomplishment, he says "I no longer rush when leaving for Football Saturday morning."
I ask Mrs Reynolds if Eitan is sufficiently challenged, and she says she keeps a "special eye on this." Bravo.
at 10:15
at 15:52
Sonnet meets Dana and Rana for girls night out at the Dorchester Bar. The crowd is giggly as Kate Moss and Pete Doherty arrive and Sonnet bumps into Pete thinking "this guy is trying a bit too hard to look like Pete Doherty." For those not in the know, Moss and Doherty have been an item for some time despite his repeated drugs offenses. When not baked he performs for Brit band Babby Shambles and is generally maligned by Fleet Street for corrupting Croydon's beauty child Kate.
This photo from Google Images.
at 10:41
Eitan salutes the old British de Havilland Comet, whose engine is seen behind the boy. The Comet achieved fame as the world's first commercial jet airliner, flying in 1949. Two crashes at Rome's Ciampino Airport resulted in an investigation and redesign, stopping manufacturing until 1954. By then the Americans had caught up and surpassed British technology with the DC-10. England suffered a loss of confidence in this epoque in part because the island ceded its world leadership in aviation and other hi-tech manufacturing.
at 19:58
The kids at the V&A museum next to Caesar (I think) today. Last week Madeleine spends an afternoon with Sonnet at work - and is thrilled to be so close to all the adult things: books, computers, closed offices, art and of course - adults! Aggie drops Madeleine off at lunchtime then Madeleine and Sonnet drive home together after exploring the museum's archival treasures including fancy dress, ball-room gowns and glass slippers. Sonnet's colleagues make Madeleine feel special and we agree that it is a good idea for her to value work.
Madeleine to Eitan watching a documentary on birds: "Do you like bats more?"
Madeleine tells me "I love mum so much" then breaks into tears.
Eitan on the underground: "This is one long tunnel."
at 18:25
Sonnet works today, so I have free reign with the kids. We start by going to the common to practice football and work ourselves out. Afterwards, I tell the kids: "bad news - no food in the house... so we will have to go to McDonald's." Now that I am Mr Popular, we head out for a greasy fry then to the V&A to visit mum in her habitat. Eitan admires the sculptures. This photo of Madeleine taken across the street at the Sciences Museum where the top floor is dedicated to airplanes.
Madeleine on the underground chats up the lady sitting next to her: "My name is Madeleine, I go to the Big School and my dad is 39 years old!"
Eitan explains to me how the wings of a plane work: "The air goes underneath the wing making pressure. This can happen when the plane moves forward. "
Madeleine at a cafe trying to read the kid's menu: "Does that spell treat?"
at 17:33
The bridge, in south-west London, links Battersea south of the river with Chelsea to the north. Its 40 foot width makes it London's narrowest road vehicle bridge.
Until the late 18th century, a ferry service had operated across the river at this location, but an Act of Parliament in 1776 authorised construction of a toll bridge. A group of fifteen investors financed this first bridge, at a cost of £15,000. Designed by a Henry Holland, the bridge was composed of 19 narrow wooden spans, making it difficult for river traffic to pass through. The ceremonial opening was in November 1771, but regular traffic first moved across the bridge in 1772.
In 1795, some of the wooden spans were replaced by iron girder sections, creating spans almost double the size of the wooden ones. Like other London toll bridges, Battersea Bridge was eventually bought by the Metropolitan Board of Works, closed in 1883 and subsequently demolished in 1885, to be replaced by the current bridge.
This was designed by MBW chief engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette , constructed from 1886 and opened by on 1890. It is composed of five wrought iron and steel cantilever spans supported on granite piers. On September 20, 2005, the bridge was struck by a gravel-carrying barge, which became stuck underneath one of the arches. The collision caused significant damage, requiring the bridge to be closed for a period predicted to be weeks if not months while repairs could be carried out.
My photo faces north towards Chelsea.
at 10:29
Sometimes you just become aware of it, as in this photo from last year. Today we are bogged down in typical London weather: grey and wet. This does not stop football, and so we troop over to the the common to brave the elements with the other soccer loving kids on the block. Eitan's side wins 4-1, but the final goal against us is a laser-strike that has all the dads humming. Bertie scores an "own-goal" and is berated by his team. The afternoon takes Madeleine to Daniel's party on Plum Road while Eitan and I pick up school pal Harry to go to Hugo's - inside being the key element. Unfortunately it is closed so we walk the Thames path to burn off some energy then reward ourselves with an ice-cream. Post party, Eitan and Madeleine compare notes on who scored more sugar. Sonnet at work today preparing for NY Fashion plus seeing her hair stylist in Barnes.
This evening a "nasty old wasp" is discovered in Madeleine's bedroom. Madeleine is buzzy with fear: "Is the wasp angry with me mum? Are you going to suck the wasp down the hoover mum? Does this make the wasp mad mum?"
at 18:10
17 April - 2 September 2007
"For over a century, New York has reigned as America's fashion capital. Today, its creative legacy, successful fashion empires, and important press and retail sectors ensure that the city's influence has become global.
'New York Fashion Now' will showcase clothes and accessories from a range of New York's emerging fashion talent. The display will feature twenty dynamic young design labels (most of them launched within the past three to seven years) such as Zac Posen, Maggie Norris, Thom Brown, Mary Ping and Derek Lam. It will chart the contributions each has made to the changing face of the fashion industry in one of the world's most powerful fashion capitals. Outfits will include elegant sportswear, new menswear, expressions of craft, avant-garde design and examples of the synergy between celebrity and fashion.
Though embracing different philosophies and methods, this group of designers is unified by the idea that New York City itself is central to their creative identity. Specially commissioned photographs of New York neighbourhoods will place the clothes within the context of the city's vibrant street-life.
'New York Fashion Now' captures a period of extraordinary outpouring of creative talent within New York's fashion culture, revealing how each designer has responded to the challenges and opportunities the city offers the aspiring designer."
Photo from V&A website: Crimson jersey evening dress, Mary Ping, Autumn/ Winter 2005-6, photographed in Lincoln Center, New York. Photographed by Isabel Asha Penlizien
at 17:19
at 16:29
Russ Ellis is the father of longtime friend David, who I grew up with in Berkeley; David and I
met at King Jr. High School when he belted out Stevie Wonder's "Happy Birthday" to an auditorium of jubulient seventh graders - genius shows its early face. Russ is Vice Chancellor Emeritus, UC Berkeley which comes in handy when David and I need tickets to the football games. Today, he is a sculpture and painter and his work may be seen at the International Sculpture Center in Hamilton, New Jersey. I also love this photograph of him.
Photograph by Judy Dater.
at 20:10
The kids yesterday before Madeleine's party. Madeleine receives 28 presents and Eitan does his best not to gripe about the unfairness of it all. He tells Gracie "I am a bit jealous" - but this can only be expected.
Sonnet tells Madeleine: "My favorite book as a child was "Bread and Jam for Francis."
Madeleine: Does she eat pizza?
Eitan learns about palindromes: Wow, dad, sis, Madam I am Adam...
... and symmetry, which he faithfully explains to his sister: "It is when everything is the same on the other half."
at 20:22
Madeleine celebrates her FIFTH at the sports grounds with 28 screaming savages. "Uncle" Anthony bikes from Islington to join the fun (brave soul he) and receives a loving hug from the Birthday Girl. Sonnet's planning is rewarded by smiling parents who pick up their giddy, sugar soaked children who do not want to leave. A sure sign the thing a success. FYI the cake picked out by Madeleine from Waitross, and the jelly beans placed by Eitan and Madeleine.
at 18:05
Another week, another skyline. This a photo from the 35th floor of the hotel room on Central Park South facing west. The past two days have been spent with my French friends Astorg Partners, who raise a €800 million fund to invest in French leveraged buy-outs in the so-called "middle market" - enterprise values of €50 to €300 million. Astorg sold seven companies in 2006 returning a median 3.8X cash - above average. Along with the hotel, we enjoy restaurants including my favorite the Grand Central Station Oyster Bar, which is tres old school (the French do not appreciate the New England clam chowder). From New York, we head for Boston then home this morning in time for Madeleine's fifth birthday party. Our meetings go well.
at 17:48
Eitan asks Sonnet if people eat whales. Sonnet launches into a serious reply about how certain countries consume whale meat as part of their diet and culture. Eitan puts together the Big Joke: "No mom, Wales is a country - and you can't eat that!" Testing his formula, he comes up to me and asks if I drink out of glasses....
at 13:24
The UK is gearing up for Super Casinos, including the conversion of disastrous Millennium Dome thanks to our Man In The Know: John Prescott, may he and his kick-backs RIP. There has been little discussion on the street about Vegas style mega complexes soon to 'enrich' London and the UK, while the government salivates over another revenue stream. Today, there are 140 casinos in Britain, up from 117 in 2001. What us Brits gamble on: 65% of Brits play the national lottery 22% play scratch cards 14% play fruit machines 13% gamble on horse racing 9% do the football pools 3% play in casinos Overall, over 60% of adults gamble, and bingo is the only gambling activity in which women out-play men. In 1999, .8% of the population was classified as problem-gamblers. (source: Sunday Times)
This photograph from the World Wide Web.
at 12:59
In a very unusual and honest expression (for the British), Virgin Media's head of internal communications admits in public that his cable company has a history of "crap service" and "very tired people," and has been stuck in "synergy hell." These comments made by James Weekley to fellow internal communications professionals at the Royal Society of Arts this month. Weekley noted further that Virgin's approach to life is typified by Sir Richard's catch-phrase: "Screw it, let's do it!" Mr Weekley was unavailable for comment yesterday, and it is unclear if he still works at Virgin.
at 12:43
Eitan reads a short passage in front of his peers and their parents. I join the audience with Aggie and Madeleine, who picks up on the vibe and is excited for her brother. I ask Madeleine if she is nervous, and she replies: "yes daddy, but I am shy." We then have a general discussion about shyness and it turns out that kids are shy but adults not. As for Eitan, he's lined up on stage awaiting his turn for a go - the procession closes in, he flushes, Madeleine rubs her hands - then up he pops and belts out his words in the most perfect British accent. it's over, I'm relieved and Madeleine returns to her main interest: a treat. We mingle a bit with the parents and kids, then walk home together for an early afternoon (for me) and movie for them. Renata baby-sits while Sonnet and I have dinner with Mike and Gretchen Bransford at the Churcill Arms in Notting Hill.
This morning I ask Madeleine how we can make it easier for her to get going in the morning. Without missing a beat: "you can bring me breakfast in bed."
at 23:18
at 10:59
at 12:43
at 15:05
Snow falls on London last night, and we awake to two inches on the ground and everything white. Sonnet's first thought: miserable commute. She bolts from the house to catch an early bus, leaving me in bed and the kids in the backyard. We organise ourselves around various clothes - boots, shoes, jackets, scarves etc required for pre-school and during school. Arriving at the playground I am struck by the sheer energy of 200 kids going bonkers. It's like pressurised gas - molecules bouncing off each other. Even our normally staid Deputy Head Ian Hutchings is seen throwing snowballs. This photo taken on the school grounds, away from all the action.
at 14:36
I return to Paris to work with my friends at Astorg Partners. We plan a trip to the US of A to meet some investor colleagues who have expressed interest in what Astord does: mid-market French LBOs. More to the point, Astorg buys and sells companies and this last year saw seven "exits" returning a median of 3.4 times cost. Not too shabby when compared to the stock market or anything else.
at 23:33
Katie sends me this photo from her mobile of her and Moe at a Cal swimming meet at Spieker Aquatic Complex at UC Berkeley. Katie and I were swimmers of course, and some of our early heros were the Swedes Bangt Baron and Par Arvidsoon and local greats T.A. DeBiase, John Mykanen, and Matt Biondi, all recruited to Cal swimming by coach Nort Thornton during the 1980s when the Bears dominated the NCAAs. Katie is on the West Coast to address Stanford University on issues for her think-tank Woodhull, and spends the weekend at our parents hours in Berkeley.
at 12:30
Madeleine loves to sleep, and this morning is no exception. Week-days are a rush to get out of the house for the 0840 school-run. We make it, of course- but Sonnet or I often feel like a drill Sargent. Madeleine needs her 12 hours or more - and while mornings may be tough, she is wide awake at bed time and usually requires a strong re-minder: "lights out!" Sundays are for pajamas, waffles and cartoons. She asks me on Monday: "Is it Sunday, dad?"
at 08:27
at 19:38
Eitan, Madeleine and I head to the Aquarium on London's south bank. To get there, we catch a train from Richmond to Waterloo where this photo of Eitan taken. The kids are wired by the Big Trip, and we have fun goofing around. Of annoyance, Madeleine cannot stop asking me for a treat: "Can I have a treat, dad? Can I have a treat dad? Can I have a treat dad?". We play twenty questions: it takes me only five to determine TREAT. I ask her if she lives her life for this - and she looks at me like I am crazy.
On the train, both kids look out the window muttering "teen-ager" over and over. I ask what they are doing. Eitan: "Teen-agers write all that graffiti on the walls."
At the Aquarium, we see the usuals: mullets, puffer, rainbow, sea horses, star-fish, rays (which they touch) and other species. I over-hear a Brit taunting a flat flounder six inches from his nose: "Chips. Chips. Chips." Eitan's favorite is the shark. Madeleine tells me "I like all of the fish except the scary shark." she pulls me to see a piranha "who can eat your hand in one bite."
Madeleine informs me she will be an artist when she grows up.
at 18:41
Madeleine hangs over the top of Eitan's bunk bed, which I now call "Club Med". I used to ask Eitan whether he was sleeping "Uptown" or "Downtown" - on the top or bottom sleeper. The light streams thru his bedroom window falling on Madeleine around 12 noon.
Sonnet attends a "study day" of '60s fashion with speakers including Mary Quant, Barbara Hulanicki, the founder of Biba, and Vanessa Densa who has an OBE and the first buyer of Ossie Clarke.
at 18:05
Two days in Paris finds me with Astorg. We have meetings with CAM, an asset manager from Cologne, and the Feri Trust who's fortune originates from the Quandt family who founded Bavarian Motor Works (BMW). I usually find time for a favorite run: Faubourg hotel to Place de la Concord then thru the Tuileries gardens and past the Louvre, Left Bank on the Seine to La Cite where I salut Notre Dame (pictured) and back. Usually when the sun rises and a great way to start the day. This time, however, no time to spare and my trainers stay in the suitcase. The kids want me to bring them back croissants but no way.
Madeleine has "graduated" to the next level of football, so she and Eitan play (thankfully) at the same time freeing up an hour on Saturday morning. Today, she manages two clean break-aways, tearing across the pitch kicking the ball a step ahead. Her goal-shots straight at the startled keeper - no goal! - but her will is there. Eitan's side wins three to nil, and Eitan and pal Bertie produce two of the outcome. Useful work boys.
After soccer, the kids complain about a bath and are foced to my will. The water turns quite yellow: "See - you really did need a bath!" I say, at the same instant thinking - is that pee in the tub? Eitan denies, but Madeleine refuses to answer the question. I tell her we all enjoy peeing in the tub, but it is better done in the toilet. She informs me matter-of-factly: "everybody pees in the swimming pool dad. Even the adults." How she would know this, I don't know nor care to think about.
at 12:26
I am back in the office following my week in the USA. Jet lag hasn't been so bad this time - age, perhaps? Eitan and Madeleine are buzzy and into the school routine with the winter holidays long forgotten. Saturday morning soccer, swimming lessons, yoga, and Spanish keep them busy during the afternoons while homework - gasp! - occupies their evenings before bed. Reading is the thing, and both kids are working themselves hard. Eitan can complete books with only the occasional sounding-out of a word; Madeleine recognises letters and word patterns and is rapidly putting them together in full sentences.
Before bedtime, Eitan and I discuss the planets and gravity. "The sun must be much bigger than the earth" he says, "if it takes a whole year to go around it."
I spill a bag of popcorn kernals on the kitchen floor and scream to the kids: "M&M's!" They come rushing downstairs for a treat. Instead, we pretend the seeds are red-hot-kernals that must be picked up before we have burned feet. To finish off the job, we race to see who can find the Last Kernal. Who says chores can't be fun?
at 12:15
Proud mother Susan Schady and her four month old Joey Lawrence Schady at their home in Rye Brook, New York. Susan is my first cousin on my mom's side, and today lives 15 minutes from also-proud parents Marcia and Larry. Joey is a happy personality and I receive plenty of smiles following his mid-day nap. It has been some time since I held a baby and my thoughts return to those thrilling and exhausting first months of parenthood and can now say, along with any grandparent: "better they then us." Susan and her husband Joe are naturals and clearly having a great time together. Susan, my sister and I catch-up on family stories; Susan to start her new job tomorrow at a financial advisory business. Super Moms - unite!
My trip ends with some excitement as I realise that my London return flight originates at Washington Dulles and not JFK airport - oops! Happily all departures delayed due to fog, so my missed connection automatically changed. I offer the United rep $200 for the fortunate weather.
at 22:43
at 22:21
Yesterday Friday I visit Invesco and the Columbia Endowment. My last meeting with Columbia the most intense of the week and a four-on-one with a serious crew. I'm bushed, and about half mast re my presentation and so am happy for dinner with Tim, his girlfriend Kitty and their gay friends in the meat packing district. From there we go to Japonais to meet Paul who is in town from Argentina and on his way to San Francisco before London. Somehow Paul and I end up at a dive bar nursing vodka and sodas and it is 4AM.
Saturday morning arrives too soon and my brain hurts. Katie picks me up a the hotel and we walk to Christopher Street and a Cuban restaurant (coffee!). We discuss life and our station, comparing notes on those things important to us. Katie has created several projects with the her think tank the Woodhall Institute, and is busy putting them into action. Stay tuned. We walk down-town Manhattan and window shop. She tries on some knee-high boots but unfortunately the gold are not in her size.
This photograph taken on 7th Avenue and West Fourth Street.
at 22:01
I arrive in New York Thursday and stay at the chic SOHO Grand Hotel on West Broadway and Canal. I'm greeted by Katie and whisked away to a book launch on Mercer Street. Katie is surrounded by her very cool friends and writers and knows everybody in the crowded gallery. I meet a contemporary who is working on feminism and the modern-day mom. Another who was a junk addict and now writes about it. From there, we head uptown to the Jolly Bar and meet a next group of friends re-uniting one third of my London poker table: Tim Larrison and Jim Ledbetter. Tim is CFO of an airport security company marching towards an IPO. Jim is responsible for Turner's online properties. I manage to go to bed by 1AM in preparation for a busy Friday of meetings.
at 21:47
Iwao Takamoto, the creator of Scooby Doo which scared the beejeezus out of Madeleine recently, died Monday in Los Angeles from a heart-attack. Takamoto, who learned his trade in a Japanese-American internment camp, was hired by the Walt disney Studios on the basis of two dime-store notebooks full of sketches. He went on to complete animated films like "Lady and the Tramp" and "101 Dalmations." In 1973, he directed "Charlotte's "Web." Monday a sad day for Scooby fans including Madeleine and a sad day for us all.
at 15:35
This photo of the Transamerica Building and Koit Tower taken from the 44th floor of the Mandarin Oriental, where I am staying while in San Francisco. I am visiting Industry Ventures, where I will become the European Partner, and also Walden Ventures. I am able have lunch yesterday at the Tadich Grill with London pal Josh Hannah who is weighing various life options including a partnership at Benchmark Ventures where he is an Executive in Residence (Benchmark invested in Josh's startup Flutter). I also visit my sea lion friends at Pier 39 during a sun-rise run. In 1990 shortly after the Loma Prieta earthquake, the boisterous barking pinnipeds started arriving in droves, taking over the docks completely. At first they numbered from 10-50, but due to a plentiful herring supply, available dock space and the marina’s protected environment, the population grew to more than 300 within a few months. Each winter, the population can increase up to 900 sea lions, most of which are male. During the summer months, the sea lions migrate south to the Channel Islands for breeding season, but in recent years a small group stays year-round at PIER 39's K-Dock. Their loud barking can be heard up Telegraph and Russian Hills, and makes me feel right at home - just like the old days when first dating Sonnet.
at 02:47
Grace in front of the original Peet's coffee. Alfred Peet set up the shop at Vine and Walnut in 1966. In those early days, Peet went to the far world to select his beans and then ship them directly to his shop. The sacks took up most of the available room. Soon a second store opened near the Claremont Hotel in South Berkeley. As legend has it, the three founders of Starbucks, then at Stanford Business School, new Peet and visited his stores while contemplating a business plan. In fact, when they founded their chain from Seattle, they bought Peet's beans. Peet's has been slower to expand than Starbucks, and has maintained (to some extent) more of its focus as a coffee and tea retailer, rather than a coffee bar, a distinction that has long separated Peet's from Starbucks. Peet's is still primarily a California operation, with a few stores in other metropolitan areas. In total, there are now 118 Peet's. The company went public in January 2001 (symbol PEET).
Grace maintains her active life, and its main focus is her non-profit Organisation TLC, which has received grants from the State of California and others. TLC's mission is to provide the framework for the healthy emotional development of children 0-5 years of age within a culturally relevant context, even in difficult times and under difficult circumstances, by providing early intervention mental health services at child care centers in Alameda County. Grace's work brings together many talented and dedicated people including her former colleague Katrina Ross from her Montessori School in the 1970s. Otherwise, weekends find her working away on grant proposal or going to the movies; talking to her grand kids and enjoying it all generally.
at 05:24