Ice Cream - Ted Kennedy - Health Care
Our yesterday concludes with a well deserved treat. Before and once again, we visit the Dog Kennel so Madeleine can further her research on various breeds. She takes her decision quite seriously. While there, we have an interview in case one day soon we go home with a new family member - Madeleine does well despite her butterflies ("why do you want a dog?" Madeleine: "because I love all dogs and breeds. I want to walk him every day").
An otherwise perfect day interrupted by Ted Kennedy's passing. Kennedy could have gone either way following Chappaquiddick and became one of the liberal's Great Lions. He was the second most senior member of the Senate, and the third longest-servicing senator in U.S. history and one of the most outspoken and effective Senate proponents of progressive causes and bills. Sadly he won't be with us to fight for health-care reform, which was his life-long ambition
So whatever you think of Kennedy, you have to admire the right's audacity. The US is the only major industrialised country that does not provide regular health care to its citizens. Instead, we are required to provide for ourselves - and 50 million people cannot afford the insurance. As a result, 18,000 US citizens die each year because they cannot get treatment. Yet the Republicans accuse the Democrats, who are trying to fix the problem, of being "killers" or Nazis - and have successfully put Democrats on the defensive. Same as it ever was. The Republicans want to defend the existing system for many reasons but also because they receive massive sums of money by the private medical firms who benefit from the status quo. But they cannot do so honestly - 70% of Americans say it is "immoral" to retain a medical system that does not cover all citizens. My dad said so last night. So they have to invent lies - like "death panels."
The real problem is that 80% of Americans receive the best care in the world and are covered so don't feel a need for change urgently if at all. Unless they lose their job. Or want to start a company. We further lose our compassion when scared shitless yet doing nothing should also keep us up at night: consultants McKinsey & Co. state today's health care cost is 17.6% of GDP and set to double inside ten years; US health care already the highest in the Western World. Ever wonder how Rome collapsed? We need you more then ever, Teddy.
"His extraordinary life on this Earth has come to an end. And the extraordinary good that he did lives on."
--President Obama on Ted Kennedy