Saturday, February 2

All In The Gang

San Ramon ca. '72

This photo on my parent's grand piano in Berkeley.  Johnny in the middle with the patches on his knees (his nick-name, from his sailor Dad, was 'bony nogg'n" since he fell down a lot as a kid; we collected salamanders and stole a shopping cart for the wheels).  Behind Johnny, his sister Rosy (white roller skates) and to the left, Vicky, whose father was the Chief of the Berkeley Fire Dept.  On the tricycle is Eric. I ate ant poison outside Eric's house and rushed to the hospital; his parent's never apologised nor said a word.

I am liking my style (far right) : over sized striped sweater, polo (fresh collar) and slightly baggy trousers+trainers.  It was all Grace.

Friday, February 1

The Hillbilly Cat

Katie sends a post card from Graceland, Tennessee.

Elvis's final years not pretty and I am glad to have missed his decline. The sheer wackiness of his final Southern style make him a curio in 2013 and yet the music remains killer. From '54's "That's All Right" (which still jams by today's standards) to '72's "Burning Love" with its boogie piano, horn-laden chorus and the final "hunka hunka burning love" - no wonder it went no. 2 on the Billboards (Elvis, BTW, had 18 no. 1 singles, tied for second with Mariah Carey, and behind the Beatles' 20).  By his death, The King had sold more than 600 million singles and albums (source: IMDb).

Elvis as far out on the edge as one could be. I wonder if people would notice him in today's over-exposed porno saturated world ? How fanciful his hips censored on the Ed Sullivan show.

"I'm no hillbilly singer."
--Elvis Presley

Thursday, January 31

Weird Times

Here's one from business school - I'm not really sure what happened to this guy.  I do recall he wrote a weekly for the "Bottom Line" newspaper where yours, truly, the Chief Editor, a title I shared with two others, in our spare time.  The paper took in money from i banks and consultants who advertised jobs to the graduate students. I decided we, the editors, should get paid and so negotiated a contract with the Dean's office which gave us a healthy cut of the profits; I then raised the ad rates and we did something like $80K net, which covered most of our trip to Central Asia.

Me: "How was school today."
Eitan: "Fine, we are doing the planets."
Me: "Fun."
Eitan: "When the teacher said 'Uranus' every one was trying hard not to laugh."
Me: "Oh?"
Eitan: "He said, 'and since 2001 we've seen Uranus 200 times.' Ha! Ha! Ha!"
Eitan: "You must admit, it's pretty funny Dad."

Wednesday, January 30

Go, Man, Go

Richmond Park near the Ballet School, 2005

I make the blunder of suggesting a running date for Eitan with Zeno, the kid who won the borough x country championships and a footballer in the Surrey League who Eitan sees from time to time (Zeno's mom and I in a communication over a photo I took of the boys racing).  Eitan aghast : "Dad! I cannot believe you did that." I recognise immediately my mistake having been in 7th grade once myself. The two will pair off tomorrow in the Middlesex cross country finals. 

For the first time, last year, the number of world tourists surpassed one billion (says the OMT).  By 2030, it may be 1.8 B.  Europe is the most popular destination ttracting 537 million guests in 2012.  We are One Big Museum.

Tuesday, January 29


Madeleine and Sonnet

I sit next to Madeleine in the living room and blog while she does her homework, which is a review of Belshazzar's Feast.  Before, Madeleine and I have dinner together as Eitan at swimming and Sonnet in Italy scouting for La Moda.  Madeleine and I talk about the usual stuff - school, lunch, friends - and somehow it has snuck up on me that this kid is becoming a young woman. 

Balshazzar's feast BTW a painting by Rembrandt that I have seen on many occasions at the National Gallery: Its source taken from the story of Belshazzar and the writing on the wall of in the Old Testament Book of Daniel (mildly terrifying).  Madeleine meanwhile examines the choral work on the same subject composed by Englishman William Walton in 1931.  My 6th grade, at Longfellow in Berkeley, we were counting our fingers.

Madeleine: "I never get why these old fashioned pieces have a long name so they torture you when you have to write it in class."

Sunday, January 27

Mad Men

Lars and Puk last night

Madeleine's drama try-out goes well and she is satisfied with her performance. From there, it is Alex's birthday party - Madeleine reconnects with her Sheen Mount gang as though no time passed.  I know she misses her final year at SM but she also enjoys Emanuel and the initial shock-transition behind her.

Eitan bakes a banana raisin cake to sell to the neighbourhood.  Lars points out that he, and other neighbourhood Danes, unable to find a certain type of Danish whole grain bread - a hole in the market ? Eitan, for now, focuses on the sensuals.

Me: "How can you listen to that stuff on the radio? It's terrible."
Eitan: "No it's not."
Me, singing something I heard on Capital FM : "I know by your look that you gotta little crush.  The bulge in your pants it makes me wanna blush."
Eitan: "Ha! Ha! Ha!"
Me: "How can you stand it?"
Eitan: "I dunno. It's just good."

Saturday, January 26

Annie Hall

Annie Hall, which I watched for the first time in jr. high, provided the first insights into an adult relationship. I saw it next at the Avon Theatre in Providence, Rhode Island (Midnight showing) and then again this afternoon with Eitan.  Annie's growth (contrasted to Alvy's stagnation) presents the movie's tension - she moves on leaving Alvy stricken.  I love California portrayed as a cultural wasteland ( yet such an inviting contrast to Manhattan).

The best scene in the movie BTW when Alvy and Annie Hall at a deli and she orders a pastrami on white bread with mayonnaise and tomato and lettuce. Woody Allen's eyes roll (my photo from the TV)

Alvy is invited to try cocaine.
Alvy: "I don't want to put a wad of white powder in my nose. There's the nasal membrane..."
Annie Hall: "You never want to try anything new, Alvy."
Alvy: "How can you say that? Whose idea was it? I said that you, I and that girl from your acting class should sleep together in a threesome."
Annie Hall: "Well, that's sick."
Alvy: "Yeah, I know it's sick, but it's new. You didn't say it couldn't be sick."

Czech Invasion

Kamila in town to see "the monuments" which means Top Shop, H&M, River Island - in short, Oxford Street to Westfield.

Madeleine tries out for a school scholarship in drama :  She must act a passage from The Dawn Treader in the The Chronicles of Narnia.  I ask if she is nervous? "My goal is not to throw up on stage" (she tells Sonnet).  Madeleine selected, with 19 children, from an applicant pool of 100 ; the top three earn the honors.

Sonnet: "Say 'break a leg' "
Kamila: "Why say that?"
Sonnet: "It is meant to bring good luck."
Kamila: "I hope you break both your legs."

Friday, January 25


The Church of St. Leodega (completed 1639)

Friday, Friday, Friday.  Madeleine and I catch the bus, 6:50AM, to her school and I attire myself in running lycra to make good use of the return journey.  Unfortunately this includes about two miles via Wandsworth and grinding morning traffic and exhaust fumes; I seek relief on the Thames path and enjoy the last four miles in peace - a different world.

Madeleine and I always go for the upper deck (Silver's favorite).  This morning a young couple join the front row - he in a track suit+trainers;  she, perky and made up. My guess, : early 20s and first relationship. They are comfortable with each other, despite the hour : he makes silly statements and she provides comfort support.  It is this way the world round.

Me: "Why do kids hate museums?"
Madeleine: "I don't hate museums. I just don't like some of them."
Me: "Which ones do you like?"
Madeleine: "The V and A."
Me: "I hope so."
Madeleine:  "I like paintings with lots of color. Like David Hockney."
Sonnet: "Excellent."
Madeleine: "I don't like old fashioned paintings that are kind of dark and faded."
Sonnet: "Well, Madeleine, what will probably happen .. ."
Madeleine: "I know, I know - my tastes will change."
Sonnet: "Yes, they will."

Beecher Stanfill, September 7, 1937 - January 19, 2013

Sonnet's beloved Aunt Beecher has passed away. I remember her most for the gleam in her eye, always awaiting the next laugh, and with a touch of mischief. She was bigger than life. Beecher welcomed us into her homes in Denver and Cuchara, Colorado. She adored Eitan and Madeleine and shared with them her enthusiasm for society and the arts, introducing the children to the Egyptians and the Denver museum. Her life was well lived without a moment lost.

Thursday, January 24

Up Or Down

As David Cameron goes for broke on the European Union - Britain up or down vote by 2017 (the clever bastard vitually ensures his continuation as the PM of the Tory party) - let us consider what is at stake.  Britain habitually plays the role of the fence sitter, weighing in when it makes sense to do so, pulling back at other times and forming alliances as need be.  The EU has handicapped some of that, for sure, and Britain the second largest contributor to the fiscal agendas (ie, Greece and other bailouts) following Germany. I have heard we contribute somewhere between £180 and £200 billion pounds annually.

On the flip side, the UK is Germany's largest trading partner (greater than China, greater than the US) and about half British exports go the continent. But that really underweights the situation: the City is the world's financial centre strengthened by common form cross border regulation. And let's face it : without the square mile this country falls pretty quickly into second tier (London the sixth largest city in the world by economy, led by finance and professional services).   London exports £20B to the rest of Britain (despite the most  transportation congestion, hospital wait times, school rankings. .. ).  Without the Union (corrupt, inept and it all) this is an island for tourists and Russians.

So should we, the people, vote? Yes. Britain's Democracy not as ancient as Greece nor as large as India but it dates back to principals suggested in the Magna Charta.  A decision by Britain may forces others (the givers; Germany) to consider their involvement in the EU 'project'. And should they go, will civil unrest result  on the periphery and evolve into open conflict?  Europe did an atrocious job handling the Balkins.

So Cameron plays a dangerous game.

Wednesday, January 23


These fellows work away in the sculpture wing of the V & A underneath the marble Jason.  They seem to enjoy what they are doing, chatting and happy to spend a moment with me discussing their job : filling cracks.  Afterwards I meet Jane, who heads corporate development, about various financial support of the museum.

Monday, January 21

Keep On Toking

Obama in college

President Obama's second inauguration takes place, fittingly, on a national holiday honouring MLK.

Sunday, January 20

Visitor Pass

Eitan lies on the sofa watching The Simpsons: "I seriously hope they cancel school tomorrow."
Me: "Every day is an opportunity. Unless, that is, you are lying in bed."
Eitan: "Unless the opportunity is to lie in bed."
Me: "Touché."


Moab, Utah

As for today's snow fall, well, the old timers tell me about the winter of '62-63 , the second coldest on record, after 1683-84. Everything froze solid: canals, lakes and rivers, including the Thames. The Big Freeze, as it became known, went until March with the worst in January : pipes burst, schools shut (no plumbing) and neighborhood water trucks supplied potable water (their faucets frozen tight); the electricity grid down and gas supplies insufficient for demand.  Waterways and commerce came to a grinding halt. Snow drifts 20 feet. No doubt tomorrow's commuters will suffer their fate at 15 cm.

Madeleine has a sleep-over with Marcus'  and the intrepids spend the morning fending off abuse from Marcus's older brothers who stuff snow down his shirt and generally pummel the poor dears.  Eitan teams us with Cyrus to romp in the snow at Palewell Park.

Sheen Lane

Red House

The Red House located at the junction of York Ave, Richmond Park Road and Sheen Lane, an ancient road, which follows the route of medieval field boundaries. It linked the market town of Kingston with the village of Mortlake and the river to London.  

The street lamp (pictured) burned gas until '64 when South West London switched to electricity; prior, a council man peddled through the ward igniting the flames with a long wand, returning the next morning, at dawn, to extinguish them.

Saturday, January 19

A Boy And His Dog

All sports events cancelled and we enjoy an unusual morning at home.  We take the pooch for a walk, before it all goes to slush, and Madeleine builds a snow man.

The Sony Building goes for $1.1 billion - 2007 all over again.

“We’re flawed because we want so much more. We’re ruined because we get these things and wish for what we had.”
--Don Draper

Friday, January 18


Ten centimetres of snow bring the capital to a stand still (that is less than four inches people).  Flights  and buses cancelled, schools across the country closed (including Hampton but not Emanuel); this morning's trains late at the sniff of foul weather and I have a hard time getting a return taxi to Sheen since, outside the centre-city, the snowpack "unpredictable, mate, I can't be taking the risk " As if.  The BBC dedicates 30 minutes of top-of-the-hour news to the weather: "a 'crocodile line' of five cars stuck on the motor route in Wales! We came across a lady who had been in her car for a while and she was delighted to see us." There is a run on the grocery store.  As the Radio 4 concludes solemnly: "A day London put to the test."

The British love a good weather crisis and, since Friday, an unexpected long weekend.

Photo: Telegraph

Thursday, January 17

Shoe Laces

Eitan ties

This morning I meet a gal at Ontario Teachers who is full of pep and vigour: she opened the London offices and it doesn't hurt that the pension manages $117 billion, second largest in Canada (after CPP). This the future of 180,000 teachers, principals and administrators while already supporting 120,000 retirees.  A reason the pension so large: 10% IRRs over ten years.  Still, the pension "gap' about $10 B, which means more contributions from its members.  Without higher-return illiquid assets like infrastructure and private equity, it would be worse.

Madeleine in a good mood.
Me: "How was swimming practise kiddo?"
Madeleine: "It was cancelled."
Me: "Oh?"
Madeleine: "A kid poo'd in the pool."
Me: "You're kidding."
Madeleine: "We saw some one fish it out with a net. And they did an evacuation bell."
Madeleine: "To get every body out."
Madeleine: "And some one had a heart attack."
Me: "Is this a public pool?"
Madeleine: "Yep."

Wednesday, January 16

Tilden Trail

Tilden Park trail

Earlier this month Katie takes us on a run that goes up and then goes down. Puff puff puff.

A bench plaque at the top honours Brian Maxwell, the founder of Berkeley based PowerBar which became the go to food of ultra athletes and i bankers. Maxwell himself a runner and, despite being told as a teenager of his congenital heart condition, he persevered, and in 1977 was ranked third in the world in the marathon by Track and Field News. At 51 years of age he died of a heart attack.

The scientist and co founder of PowerBar, Bill Vaughan, the father of childhood friend Brian, who is now CEO and owner of sports gel GU.  My friends and I tested GU on the San Francisco and Sacramento marathons in the 1990s.

Linebacker Patrick Willis on 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick's performance against the Packers: "It wows me."