Tuesday, August 6

Spider Man 37

I wore the yellow cap and embedded goggles to age-group and early HS meets concerned that my 'compi' goggles (no longer made) would fill with water from the block-dive.  I was aware it was intimidating to the others swimmers.

The picture appeared in b&w in the 1983 Berkeley HS year-book with the singular caption "spider man" and the original photograph lost forever until I visited the newly rebuilt, and modern, Berkeley High School pool several years ago when, there it was, taped to a metal cabinet in the coach's office.

For the Channel crossing to be valid, the English Channel Association dictates a latex cap, pair of goggles and a swim suit not falling below the groyne.  Animal fat smeared on the body is optional - some use it, I won't.  There will be an official ECA observer on the Viking Princess II to ensure the regulations are met.