Monday, August 5

Shepperton Lake 21

Several have commented on what a sweetheart Matt Biondi was at Cal.  I recall, on one ocassion, an over-sized dude on a two-wheel mini-bicycle cruising down busy Bancroft Way, knees wide-out, back hunched over and feet barely on the pedals and spinning furiously. Of course Matt on his way to swim practice.  Legend.

Today's anticipated nine-mile race in Dover Harbour cancelled, last minute, by the Harbour Master: with winds reaching gale force by 10:00am leading to high swell with the harbour there runs the risk of the safety kayaks not being satisfactory craft for assisting persons in the water. 

I am for better weather from July 26 to August 5 (NB the pilot has the final call on suitable conditions. If No, then it is next year).

Instead of Dover I swim at Shepperton Lake for about three-hours or 10km - 12 loops around and round and round.

Photo of Eitan and me at the lake last summer.