Back-To-School Monday
Belated Hallowe'en
Me: "Good day back at school ?'
Madeleine: "They gave us loads of homework. I had to write an essay about a Roman who was, like, 90 years old, and he died. It was 200 BC which is ages before the Tudors."
Me: "What was his name?"
Madeleine: "I don't remember."
Me: "You don't remember?"
Madeleine: "Yes, Dad, I don't remember."
Me: "I'll give you two treats."
Madeleine: "Cornelius Nepos."
Me: "Well done."
Eitan has trouble setting up his iPod.
Me: "Didn't it come with instructions?"
Eitan: "What good would that do?"
--Rusty, in the office, while I am on the phone