Thursday, May 3


Rusty checks out the drop from my office.

I walk from meeting to meeting in the rain, no umbrella, taking note of a fellow, or at least his legs since he is wearing shorts, in a Porsche Carerra. He shifts gears at the lights and I curse my fate. But, once inside George on Mount Street, the fantasy returns : I am ushered to my table, chair pulled and napkin placed in lap. I order an orange juice and look around : it is a confident chatty crowd in suit and tie or blouse and skirt. I recognise a few faces. Were this evening, they would hold Martinis or Old Fashions but, since breakfast, it is double espressos.

According to the IRS, the top-1% of US tax payers ($343K income or higher) paid 37% of Federal taxes in 2009 while the bottoms 50% about zero. Regardless of what one thinks about the 1%-ers, the Republicans have done a number on the country: how else does one explain Mitt Romney polling even with the President, as he does now ? Obama, afterall, transferred $1T of wealth following Bush and the '08 crisis. Go figure.

Me: "Anything you want to say for this blog?"
Eitan: "No."
Me: "Nothing at all?"
Eitan makes farting noises with his mouth while watching football.
Me: "Fair enough."