Wednesday, February 1

Notes From Pakistan

Munir and Basharat Ali, Manager of a Spanish NGO working in Baltistan and Skardu areas in education sector on the KKH , pictured.

Munir reports: "Basharat was my student at Karakoram International University Gilgit. After completing his education he joined this NGO. I have travelled many times in Skardu, Hushe and Machlu araes where Basharat is working. He belongs to Machlu, a beautiful village on jeepable road to Hushe.

"Ray has travelled and trekked in this area in early nineties. In addition to its awe inspiring beauty, I have been greatly impressed by the crime free and peaceful society of Baltistan Region. It is the only region in Pakistan that never embraced any form of extremism or religious fanacticism. Whenever I travel in this region I feel a sense of security.

"Historically Baltistan has been more affiliated with Tibet than downcountry or India. Local people were followers of Budhism before converting to Islam. Their language is written in Tibetan script and still has a strong Tibetan influence in their culture. I saw a historical mosque in Machlu in 2008 that has a strong Tibetan architectural influence."