Sunday, October 9

The Pump House Gang

Eitan and Joe co-host their Birthday party , which begins at the Bank of England club for indoor football, pictured, then outdoors for more football and some ice cream then Joe's house for football and fish-and-chips then concluding with cake and football.  If not for 6PM , they would still be out there now. Sonnet and I watch the boys hit, punch, tackle and generally pummel each other : there they are, the little animals, showing affection for each other by smacking the other down. They can't be all, like, "Hey, Eitan, did you do see the Manchester United match?" Oh,  no. Instead, Stanley tackles Eitan and a dog pile forms : all the boys come running. I wonder if the kid on bottom will , you know, break an arm or something. Barbarians.

And a Sunday funny:
"My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you're ugly too. "
--Rodney Dangerfield