Monday, April 18

Monday Morning

Aneta back to Czech for the week and today I am solo with the Shakespeares. It is sunny and warm so everybody in a good mood, 9AM. Eitan wants to go to the outdoor pool but Madeleine, who was on board initially, changes her mind (Madeleine: "I was not on board! I was never on board!"). We weigh the Barnes Wetland Center (Madeleine: "Yea!"; Eitan: "No!"), Kew Gardens (both: "naw"); Snakes and Ladders (Me: veto).

In the end, Madeleine relents re the pool in return for "a fizzy drink" and we are off.

Madeleine: "Dad, I have one-hundred eighty one pounds exactly."
Me: "Is that so?"
Madeleine: "And nothing to spend it on."