Sunday, January 9

Busty Mary

Chilean fashion designer Ricardo Oyarzun under fire from the Catholic Church for dressing "busty" models as the Virgin Mary, pictured.

Madeleine: "I wish Christmas was twice a year."
Me: "That would be nice."
Madeleine: "But it's not possible. Then Jesus would have to be born twice."
Me: "Well, Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary so anything could happen."
Madeleine: "What's that mean?"
Me: "Mary did not have sex yet somehow gave birth to Jesus ."
Madeleine: "That's what happened in the Fantastic Mr. Fox."
Madeleine: "They had baby foxes but did not do the thingy."
Me: "The 'thingy'?"
Madeleine: "This conversation is disgusting, dad. Can we talk about something else?"
Me: "Please."

"There is no pornography here, there's no sex, there are no virgins menstruating or feeling each other up. This is artistic expression."
--Ricardo Oyarzun