Saturday, April 3

A Few Conversations

Madeleine: "Is Italy in Great Britain?"
Sonnet: "Oh, dear."
Me: "Madeleine, march into the living room and get the Atlas."
Madeleine: "That is so unfair."
Me: "Well, it is Italy or no desert."
Madeleine (waling): "There is 179 pages and each one of the them is a map. That will take ages!"
Me: "Madeleine, you can figure it out."
Madeleine, from the floor, Atlas open: "Do you spell Italy with an 'A' or an 'E'?"
Sonnet: "With an 'I.'"
Madeleine: "Then what?"
She finds Italy, and puts the Atlas away.

Me: "Do you know where Britain is?"
Madeleine: "Why do you ask?"
Me: "Atlas, please."
Madeleine: "Oh, Dad, not again! It is in Europe!"

Me: "One of the things I like about you is that you think outside of the box."
Madeleine: "I think outside of a fox?"
Me: "A box. What do you think that means?"
Madeleine: "I don't know."
Me: "Do you always follow the rules?"
Madeleine: "Not all the time."
Me: "There you go."

Eitan, listening to the wireless, pokes his head in: "Oh my God - Manchester City scored three goals against Burnley in the first seven minutes!"
Me: "Wow, that's like if they were playing KPR."
Eitan: "Well, not really."

Tiger Woods dalliances are reported, further, in Vanity Fair.
Me: "This Tiger Woods thing is so absurd."
Madeleine: "Why?"
Me: "He wanted us to believe one thing about him while the other thing true."
Madeleine: "What did he want you to believe?"
Me: "That he was squeaky clean and a family man. But he is not."
Madeleine: "Is his house clean?"

Photo by Madeleine.