Tuesday, November 3

Goof Off

I come home in time for dinner to find the kids eating pretzels, having already finished their meal.  Hmm.  Eitan in his football gear following practice; he also had Spanish though for the life of me I don't know why since he cannot even respond to 'cómo te llamas' - sheesh, even I know that.

Me: "What did you do in school today?"
Madeleine: "We had to do that thing where we named two words that are the same."
Me: "What were yours?"
Madeleine: "I did 'force' like push and pull and 'force' of the dark side, like in Star Wars."
Eitan: "Can't you pick the easy ones?"
Madeleine: "All the easy ones were taken!"

Me: "Is Madeleine upset about Monty?" (the hamster, who is gone for good this time)
Eitan: "No, because she is getting another one this week end."
Madeleine: "Or a lizard!"
Eitan: "You are not getting a lizard. It is just because you want to show off for Joe.
Madeleine: "Or a guinea pig."
Madeleine: "Dad, you know my fish has died? He died this morning."