Friday, September 12

The Sum Of Her Experience

We now know that Palin understands the Russians: "They're our next door neighbours and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska" even though she drew a blank on the Bush Doctrine. Are we concerned that the interviewer Charles Gibson knows more about US foreign policy than Palin? (last night on ABC)

I understand why the Republicans so angered by "a pig in lipstick" which their candidate brought on herself. The expression never about sexism or appearance - we all know Palin a babe and even Schwarzenegger says so - but about content.

The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong. God cannot be for and against the same thing at the same time. In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something different from the purpose of either party - and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are of the best adaptation to effect His purpose."

Abraham Lincoln, "Meditation on the Divine Will" (September 2, 1862?), p. 403-404

Thursday, September 11


Here is the newest addition to my family - congratulations to Joe and Susan on their blessing and beautiful number two.

Boy does this bring back memories - and how strange that it is six+ years since Sonnet and I at this stage in life. It all repeats and we find ourselves doing more or less the same as everybody else. There you have it - my Big Insight for the day. Oh boy. When Madeleine born, I packed up and moved from the bedroom into the guest room, where I happily wore ear plugs. And watched TV. And stayed up late. No need for everybody to be grumpy, after all. Madeleine was a loud baby too - stubborn and slow to sleep through the night though Sonnet was disciplined. Then as now, she refused to take suggestions and I have always admired Madeleine's independence though perhaps not when changing nappies. Or spoon feeding her mushy peas which ended up everywhere but in her mouth. Or getting her to do Kumon. These were the good times too and how fleeting it all is (Big Insight #2).

TV Dinner

Who could ever forget Swanson's TV Dinner from the '70s? The pre-cooked a working mother's savior. My favorite was the "classic fried chicken" - the mash was somehow better than home-made. Plus it was exotic and Katie and I could pick the meals ourselves from the frozen section - in short, empowering. Usually eaten BTW in front of "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" or "Disney" on Sunday evening. The equivalent in Britain was Vesta Curry ready meals - few British in the early 70s had sampled the exotic delights of spiced food and eating out was a rarity. Vesta introduced the country to flavors from around the world including Italian Risotto, Chicken Supreme, Hungarian Goulash, Chinese Chow Mein and Spanish Paella. This+a bottle of Blue Nun and Benny Hill the peak of middle-class sophistication, Dear Brother. I've kept my eye open for Vesta and sadly cannot find it at Waitrose or the supermarkets in our neighborhood. We are the worst for it. Is Swanson still around I wonder?

van Gogh

After visiting the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam yesterday, I'm having a coffee when three girls - pictured - dismount to have a cigarette. I would guess they are in their early 20s and very chic and their intensity captures my interest. It is hard not to imagine Madeleine doing the same in her future. Van Gogh created one of my favorite paintings "Still Live, Vase With Twelve Sunflowers" despite being one unhappy dude. I did not appreciate that van Gogh tried to found a Utopian art colony from his home in Arles - a house without plumbing. He must have been lonely made worse by the failure of his vision. Van Gogh was aware of his mental illness and committed himself to an institution several times - afraid of his breakdowns (diagnoses include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, syphilis, poisoning from swallowed paints, temporal lobe epilepsy and acute intermittent porphyria+malnutrition, overwork, insomnia, alcohol, and absinthe in particular). He killed himself at 35, which given the volume of work he produced is hard to imagine. In fact, his last painting "Wheat Field With Crows" was completed two weeks before his death and his attempt to convey his gloom.


Here I am with the boy after playing some footie. He's in a heavenly mood following last night's World Cup Qualifier where England destroyed our nemesis Croatia, who we all recall kept us from the European Cup last year by thrashing us 3-2. The final score this time 4-1 and Theo Wilcott,the youngest on the pitch at 19, scores a hat-trick. Neat. In other news, Eitan and Madeleine host another yard-sale to earn some cash from their broken old toys. The past two days are spent pricing and when I suggest that £10 for a "tactic" might be a tad, ahem, overpriced Eitan tells me very politely to mind my own bee's wax. Fair enough. So I am not particularly surprised to learn from Sonnet, home from work yesterday to encourage our capitalists, that nothing has sold. At. All. I tell her to make "an anonymous purchase from a mystery buyer" which afterwards she tells me momentarily raises his hopes (when I ask about it later on, Eitan says "it was just you, dad" I mean, like come on). Madeleine bails for a play-date leaving our little earner left to promote on his own. Making a buck is never easy, I tell him - an obvious lesson but something that must be learned every day.

According to a Guardian survey, Sir Martin Sorrel, the Chief Executive of the WPP Group, is the highest paid executive in the UK in 2007 at £23,372,504 followed by Bart Becht at Reckitt Benckiser, Bob Diamon at Barclays and Mick Davies at Xstrata who took home £22,278,767, £18,139,000 and £13,953,635, respectively. The highest paid employees in a UK public company work for private equity group 3i, who make £231,000 per year. The average work in Britain last year made £24,000 including a 3.6% pay-rise which failed to offset 4.3% inflation on essentials like mortgage and food.

Pastor Rick Warren: "At what point, give me a number, give me a specific number, where do you move from middle class to rich?"
John McCain "So, I think, if you're just talking about income, how 'bout $5 million? (Laughter) So, no, but, but seriously, I don't think you can, i don't think, seriously, that, the point is that I'm trying to make here, seriously... and I'm sure that comment will be distorted."

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau

The Telegraph reports today that there will be fifty thousand fewer businesses that will start this year as the economic slump undermines would-be entrepreneurs from taking risks. It also reports that by 2009 end, Britain's business stock will have shrunk by 150,000 firms.

Monday, September 8


It is hard not to love Paris anytime but a day like today - impossible. It is autumnal and warm so the city is out and about sunning themselves or whatever. I meet a friend at Carette on the Trocadero in the 14th, famous for its views of the Eiffel Tower and green neighborhoods. The Parisiennes are a beautiful lot or I am at an especially cool cafe - probably a bit of both since it is Romain's choice of venue. Anyway I am here for work and Hans and I have meetings lined up for the next three days. He's over from California so I hope it will be good use of his time.

Eitan and I play football yesterday and the little squeeker is good. I can push him around for the ball, but he can out maneuvre me. And he is fast.

On the Eiffel Tower: did you know that maintenance includes 50 to 60 tonnes of paint every seven years to protect it from rust? (the Golden Gate, counter to popular believe, is only touched-up following the 1995 completion of a zinc silicate primer and acrylic topcoats). The tower maintains a uniform appearance to an observer on the ground by using three separate colors of paint, with the darkest on the bottom and the lightest at the top. On occasion the colour of the paint is changed; the tower is currently painted a shade of brownish-grey. On the first floor there are interactive consoles hosting a poll for the colour to use for a future session of painting. The co-architects of the Eiffel Tower are Emile Nouguier, Maurice Koechline and Stephen Sauvestre.

"When good Americans die they go to Paris."
Oscar Wilde

Sunday, September 7


We see Falstaff at The Globe last night with Natalie and Justin - fun! I read Merry Wives in the 8th grade and Sonnet and I debate afterwards where Falstaff ranks on Shakespeares merry list of characters - I place him Top Five but she points out Macbeath, Otello, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet... ok ok- I desist but I still give the fop a Top Ten. At least I remember the fellow from Junior High which deserves something, Dear Reader. Falstaff appears over again in Western literature and my favorite reincarnation is John Kennedy Toole's Ignatius J Reilly in Confederacy of Dunces. Ignatius loves to eat, and his masturbatory fantasies lead in strange directions. His mockery of "affronting" images is portrayed as a defensive posture to hide their titillating effect on him. He has an aversion to ever leaving the town of his birth, and frequently bores friends and strangers with the story of his sole, abortive journey from New Orleans, a trip to Baton Rouge on a Greyhound bus. He has extreme flatulence and wears his hunting jacket - regardless of the heat. Brilliant.

Cal beats Washington State 66-3. Wow- I can't remember the last time the Bears took such a lop-sided victory. Sonnet notes "that's not very sporting" proving once again that women don't get football.

Another sure sign that the planet is dying: one pound of cod- Britain's staple and the fish in in fish 'n chips - now sells for £25 a pound. That is $50 a pound. Even the lowly mackeral, disliked for its fishy taste, is going for £15 a pound. We are an island surrounded by sea, chanel and Ocena, for Pete's sake. If we are having problems getting fish - oh boy.

"I have a kind of alacrity in sinking."
John Falstaff

"When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip."
Ignatius J. Reilly

"I think it was in the Rose Garden where I issued this brilliant statement: If I had a magic wand -- but the president doesn't have a magic wand. You just can't say, 'low gas.'"
George W. Bush, Washington D.C., July 15, 2008

Friday, September 5


Eitan at Luke's party earlier this summer - pretty cool. The boys race electric cars around a track (there is a boy-girl thinging going on at now's age). I went through a serious go-cart phase that lasted from age nine to twelve. We kids built the real thing too, complete with side-breaks, seran-wrap windows, swinging doors and rubber band shooters for protection and war. The things went pretty fast with little control which was all the fun. Side streets were de rigeur to avoid the cars and the steeper the better. I'm pretty sure the working moms in our middle-class neighborhood had no idea what we were up to, unsupervised after school. Later on UC Berkeley offered several challenging inclines. In '77 a freak snow storm put a couple inches on the ground and San Ramon turned out with their wheels daring each other to race the hill - now made slick with ice. Wow, that was a thrill. The go-carts eventually found their way from the basement to garage and finally the scrap heap.

Does anybody else think Palin looks drunk?

The Road

My book club discusses McCarthy's "The Road." With virtually no plot, the story follows a father and son across an apocalyptic wasteland on a search for ... what? It is dark throughout only relenting in the final pages which, for me at least, allows the reader from the hook and ends on optimism when the message nihilism. Erich notes that The Road is "bad science fiction" and fails to apply a rules-set or complication gratifying in his genre. We all agree beautifully written and a mysterious and thought provoking novel, though Tim not always impressed with McCarthy's choice of vocabulary which sometimes, surprisingly, from the mark.

I meet Eitan's year-three teacher, who is terrific. Ms Correy is in her early late 40s, has punk hair and high expectations. I can see she can control a class-room, but she also has a sense of humour: "the children are only allowed to interrupt me for blood, vomit or fire" she says. This year emphasizes reading - lots of reading - and the multiplication tables. Eitan is ahead of the curve in both counts yet continues to beg me to do Madeleine's Kumon (maths practice). When I tell him he does not need Kumon he retorts: "you always tell me I can get better with practice, Dad. Don't you want me to improve?" It is hard to say no to this direct attack on our parenting and the answer seems simple - why not let him take the course for Pete's sake? But there is a slippery slope to consider: if all the kids taking Kumon then those not taking it suffer... plus there is no need for Kumon unless one actually needs the practice. This time can be applied elsewhere, as I point out to the boy, to his bother. I am noodling this for now.

“That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay.”
Sarah Palin at the RNC on the jet plane she did not put on eBay. Why lie about something so trivial and easily verified?

The surest sign that the UK is in trouble: The Times reports that August car sales crashed to its worst month since 1966. Britain's largest industry is weighted toward luxury vehicles which have been hit the hardest - surprise, surprise. Aston Villa sold 19 cars in August. 19 cars! In 1966 they sold over 166,000.

Thursday, September 4

School Drop

The kids awake in a fine mood and now seem adjusted to the new routine, teachers and all. Here we are this morning. I bump into the community and everybody cheerful for some social interaction following the summer's break, though I quietly duck out of offers to get mid-morning coffee. I was in Paris yesterday and the seasons are turning - it is my favorite city which is perhaps unfair since whenever I visit it is usually to the 8th which is like Belgravia or Knightsbridge - that is, the most manicured of the city. No time for museums unfortunately.

I have become compulsive about Sarah Palin as has America: she is on the cover of US World and News, OK! magazine and People - wow! When compared to dour old Britain with Alistair Darling announcing a "60 years recession" we could use a little bit of spunk and liteness over here. Our English friends just love to talk about American politics. So running this morning I ask myself: "Isn't Palin's son going to war a classic conflict of interest?"

You've Come A Long Way, Baby

I watched the Palin speech on CNN/ YouTube - under tremendous pressure she came across. Poised and confident - impressive. The bullshit started within one minute: "there's is a time for politics, a time for leadership. A time to campaign, a time to put our country first." Yeah, right- so WTF is this women doing on stage? One sound byte to the next to the next. The all-white, middle aged audience was on its feet most of the show often chanting "USA! USA!" - is this America? (In California and Texas english is now the second language). McCain has done a great job dodging the issues and bringing back the race-wars - gays, abortion, God - these are things outside of politics. They are also secondary to the economy and Iraq. The symbolism is just depressing - and worse (?) if Palin was a Democrat she would be destroyed for her marriage, which was two months before her first-born. And her daughter's pregnancy. And the Alaskan Independence Party, where she was a member in the 1990s and husband until '02 (founder Vogler: "I've got no use for America or her damned institutions"). Impressively these issues are no longer issues. Those showing up at the convention and backing McCain see themselves so breaking the rules - the rules established by them, the conservatives - have no consequence. Logic, Dear Reader. Logic. The value of education now a disqualifier - Obama's Harvard law degree a negative? And the Law Review? Bravo McCain. Bravo.

"Thanks but no thanks on that bridge to no where. If our states wanted to build a bridge, we wanted to build it ourselves."

""What exactly is our opponents plan after he has turned back the waters and healed our planet?"

"In politics there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. In the other, there are candidates who use their careers to promote change."

"So many lobbyists and special interests have fought the McCain presidency... "

"My fellow Americans, the journey to the White House is not meant to be one of personal discovery...."
Sarah Palin, September 3, 2008

Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy on Palin, September 3:

PN: It's over.

MM: Still McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech to do himself some good.

CT: I also think the Palin pick is insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too.

PN: Saw Kay this morning.

CT: Yeah, she's never looked comfortable about this --

MM: They're all bummed out.

CT: Yeah, I mean is she really the most qualified woman they could have turned to?

PN: The most qualified? No! I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bullshit about narratives --

CT: Yeah they went to a narrative.

MM: I totally agree.

PN: Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it.

MM: You know what's really the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical.

CT: This is cynical, and as you called it, gimmicky.

MM: Yeah.

Tuesday, September 2

Change Alphie Can Understand

"The fundamentals of our economy are strong." John McCain, last week

· The economy has lost jobs each of the last seven months, and over the past seven and a half years job growth has been weaker than in any economic expansion on record. In July, the economy lost another 51,000 jobs, bringing the total jobs lost this year to 463,000. Over the past seven and a half years under President Bush, job growth has been weaker than in any economic expansion on record. [Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008]

· Families have lost an entire decade worth of raises, as real weekly earnings fell below their August 1998 level. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported this month that weekly wages adjusted for inflation were $272.85 in July 2008. That is below the $273.54 level of real weekly wages in August, 1998. [Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008].

· Working-age households have lost more than $2,000 under President Bush. The Census Department reported this week that real incomes for working families fell from $58,555 in 2000 to $56,545 in 2007 – a decline of $2010. This is the first economic expansion on record where household incomes have fallen in real terms. [U.S. Census, 2008]

. Inflation reached a 17-year high. This month we learned that prices jumped 5.6 percent in July over a year earlier. That is the largest year-over-year increase in inflation since January 1991, when the economy was in recession. [Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008].

· Housing prices have fallen a record 15.9 percent over the past year. Last week the respected S&P/Case-Shiller index showed that housing prices in 20 major metropolitan areas fell 15.9 percent over the past year, the largest one year drop on record. More than 2.5 million homeowners are expected to face foreclosure this year – an average of 7,000 per day.

Eight Is Enough

The GenX block, presumably men and women being courted by Palin, will remember 1977's Braden family, pictured, which aired on ABC until 1981 and was tight with "Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island." I was glued every Wednesday and always felt sorry for poor Tom, who somehow kept his job despite the house falling down around him. The question as to whether Sarah Palin is capable of being President given her large and growing family is legitimate- America has never had a woman in the high-office and why wouldn't a voter be curious? In my opinion, it is not about the glass-ceiling but rather the evolving model of family structure - Palin is square in it, and presents herself as a conservative and guardian of "family values" like the sanctity of marriage and pro-life (here is the definition of conservative: "disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. " ) Why important? Sonnet demands. Well, imagine Palin placing her country before her offspring? Having observed close-quarters how the mother-child relationship works and assuming Palin a "traditionalist" mom this just is not going to happen no way. I fully appreciate and admire the work-family-struggle women must make continually. Palin could work around it as we all do but this is not what I want in our Commander-In-Chief. Sonnet loves her job, but she would never put her job before the kids. Hillary I would have supported- she does not have similar demands. Should the US face a crisis I want our President to be without distraction. I push Sonnet further: would one rather have Sarah Palin with five kids and a grandchild or without? The answer seems clear to me anyway.

It is also not cool BTW how the Palin news came out: Did McC know, and if so why not disclose it before the bloggers forced Palin's hand? If he did not know, well that is worse.

"It's a private family matter. Life happens in families If people try to politicize this, the American people will be appalled by it. It used to be that a lot of those smears and the crap on the Internet stayed out of the newsrooms of serious journalists. That's not the case anymore."
Steve Schmidt, chief strategist of the McCain campaign

Monday, September 1


Eitan and Madeleine take some week-end boxes and build a city. They are mortified when I suggest a dump-run but those are the breaks, kid.

Douglas Cooper describes Cubism in his seminal book The Cubist Epoch: In cubist artworks, objects are broken up, analyzed, and re-assembled in an abstracted form—instead of depicting objects from one viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context. Often the surfaces intersect at seemingly random angles, removing a coherent sense of depth. The background and object planes interpenetrate one another to create the shallow ambiguous space, one of cubism's distinct characteristics.

BTW I check with our school to confirm we are not considering a finger-printing system.

We agree to a set of jobs so the kids can earn some pocket money. I make it clear that a job is something the Shakespeares may choose not to do while a chore offers no choice. Jobs include the bathroom (even the toilet? Etian aks), gardening, vacuuming... in short, the tried-and-true. Madeleine tries to weasel payment for bed-making, table-clearing and Kumon - she is no dummy.


Ministers are encouraging schools to spend >£20,000 on finger-printing systems for library books, registration and payment for school lunches. Children as young as five are having their prints taken without parental consent. Many parents believe, as reported in the Sunday Times, that this is one more step towards a surveillance society and are "understandably furious." Made worse, the education and Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) cannot become involved unit it is clear that the school has failed to respond to a complaint, like "don't you dare finger-print my child!" Now there is a bureaucratic administration I do not trust. Ultimately, a parent's recourse is with her MP to the parliamentary ombudsman. In short - my kids - no way. I will take them from the school first.

"Religions get lost as people do."

"Evil is whatever distracts.
Franz Kafka


From Sarah Palin to Kate Moss - I think fair as Palin, the runner-up "Miss Alaska" in '84, must appreciate the power of her vagina. Same for Kate who, here, gives us her all. "The Siren" will
go on display this October in the British Museum's Greek gallery, alongside other sculptures by leading British artists. Kate is billed as "the largest gold statue since ancient Egypt" and the first of five statues of the supermodel by Marc Quinn, who says she "shares the Egyptian Sphinx's mystery" (Quinn's nude statue of pregnant disabled artist Alison Lapper is on a plinth in London's Trafalgar Square. It is disturbing but I love it). Eventually Kate will be on display in New York and so that much closer to the next possible VEEP. Oh her reaction, I wonder? Photo courtesy of the BBC.

Google has a new tool "Google Insights" that presents global search data around trend-lines and regional-interest (It's cool: Of course certain outcomes are both surprising and not surprising: type "sex" and Pakistan is number-one, then Bangledash and Sri Lanka (surprising). But type in "water sports" and it is the UK (not surprising - perverts). Enter "McCain" and the US pops #1 followed by Iraq (not surprising and surprising). Enter "Obama" and Kenya is first followed by Uganda, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania then the United States. Wow.

You Go, America

As a tactician, McCain beats Obama hands down. His selection of Sarah Palin is bold, risky, daring - within 12 hours of Obama's speech of a lifetime, Obama is off the front-pages. Palin ticks a number o Hilary boxes - A) she's a woman; B) she's a woman and C) who cares? She shoots guns and is pro-life+she is viewed as fiscally responsible after 18 months as Alaska's Guv. From Alaska, she cannot be tagged as the "Washington problem" defined so elegantly by Obama in Denver. She aptly confirms McCain's renegade nature. Palin also balances McC's age and shores up his conservative, religious base, perhaps bringing along a few female voters to boot. He only needs a few points swing, Dear Brother, in today's 50-50 Republic. Classic tactician. On the other hand, I wonder if the majority of Republicans feel insulted? Palin may look good (literally) but she has no experience suggesting Presidential capability and after all, McCain is the oldest nominee in the history of the US elections - it is a real possibility that he may die during office. Don't these Republicans, who have tried to hammer Obama on his experience-failure, get that their VP choice could seriously harm America should she rise in office? These are not, like, easy times at home or abroad and even if they were - she would still be a problem.

"She's really a perfect selection."
Darla St Martin, Co-Director of the National Right to Life Committee

"I'm looking at him right now, and I see perfection," Palin said. "Yeah, he has an extra chromosome. I keep thinking, in our world, what is normal and what is perfect?"

Sarah Palin, Dakota Voice, August 29, 2008

"He [Obama] actually said in his speech last nigh -- the audience sort of looked a little stunned. He said, 'I am my brother's keeper.' He actually said it. His brother lives in a hut!"
Rush Limbaugh

“The McCain campaign’s slogan is ‘country first’. If it were your decision, and you were putting your country first, would you put an untested small-town mayor a heartbeat from the presidency?"

David Frum, President George W Bush’s former speech-writer

Friday, August 29


Here is Natasha's dog - no surprise the kids have fallen in love with her especially Madeleine who has been begging for a pet for - like -ev - er. Alphie is six months and will get a lot bigger then this.

Obama's DNC speech has been well covered in Britain, finding the front page of several newspapers. He is regarded as America's savior - or at least a friend to Europe. By contrast, when McCain visited London in March for a fundraiser I recall his meeting Super Gee as awkward, but then again - Gordon Brown
is awkward. PM-in-waiting, Tory David Cameron, kissed McCain's ass - they seemed attached at the hip. I was not in London more recently when Obama was here in July, but it is fair to say he has this and other European cities enthralled - especially France who hate George Bush, mon Dieu! Il est une merde. Obama has it about right that the United States needs the Europeans to take on the Ruskies and China and global-warming, something the Bush administration has failed to do with gusto. I just cannot imagine "Old Europe" and especially the younger generation here embracing McC... he is, well, too old - put bluntly.

Bring It On, Brother

Obama's got our attention. I watched his last night's speech on YouTube and thought it direct and efficient- clearly he is going on the attack after waiting many months. A nice strategy. Obama speaks a bit like a preacher with similar hi and low-tones, emphasizing a point on a down-swing (usually it is the other way around). Also he places short and barely noticeable pauses between words giving them greater strength. Here are some key notes:

“It’s not because John McCain doesn’t care. It’s because John McCain doesn’t get it.”

“America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this.”

“You know, John McCain likes to say that he’ll follow bin Laden to the gates of hell, but he won’t even follow him to the cave where he lives”

"Next week, in Minnesota, the same party that brought you two terms of George Bush and Dick Chaney will ask this country for a third. And we are here because we love this country too much to let the next four years look just like the last eight. On Nov. 4, we must stand up and say: ‘Eight is enough.’ ”

“We measure the strength of our economy not by the number of billionaires we have or the profits of the Fortune 500, but by whether someone with a good idea can take a risk and start a business, or whether the waitress who lives on tips can take a day off to look after a sick kid without losing her job — an economy that honors the dignity of work.”

And here is John McCain's response:
“Tonight, Americans witnessed a misleading speech that was so fundamentally at odds with the meager record of Barack Obama."
Tucker Bounds, a spokesman for McCain.

Thursday, August 28

On Pakistan

Madeleine contemplates. Do note her "buddy" placed purposefully in the photograph.

From the airport the other day, I meet a Pakistani (who I will call Iqbal) and we discuss the Punjab and being a foreigner in the UK, which he has been for thirty years. Iqbal has strong features BTW and a large mustache - like our famous Jauquab Shaw. Iqbal moved to the England to earn a better life and repatriate funds - which is common - and eventually moving his wife to London. He has two children, born here, who attend University; he has extended family in Asia Minor. Iqbal and his family spend several weeks to several months in Pakistan each year, and he informs me that he believes himself "to be Pakistani-British" while his children are "British Muslim." They wear jeans and trainers to school or outside but in home they are mindful of the family customs including how they dress "though sometimes they do not care" he says. The Punjab BTW a region between India
and Pakistan where the "Five Rivers" meet: Beas, Ravi, Sutlex, Chenab and Jhelum which are each tributaries to "the mighty" Indus. It is also a religious cross-roads for Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam. Iqbal tells me that people "get along and are happy" in this region despite religious differences, and further: there are more muslims in India than Pakistan and a large Hindu population in Pakistan. His greatest lament is "the younger generation" who no longer listen to their elders. "We muslims respect others and our world. We are not selfish, we do not do only for ourselves. The youngsters today have a different view." I ask him about sex, drugs and rock and roll, and Iqbal says "we are in Pakistan each year so our children know what are values." And how do they feel about attending Western Universities? "Well, they are now British. Pakistani, for sure. But British too."