Madeleine at Denver Int'l - note the security stickers, given to her for "good behavior" (Sonnet rolls her eyes).
The drive from Cuchara to Denver was uneventful, other than a six mile farm road detour from the I-25 at Pueblo due to last week's flooding (the southwest has been in a drought otherwise). In Denver, we visit Aunt Beecher, Whitney, Frank, Tess and one-week old Thea, which brings back memories and all sorts of nostalgia from us (esp. Sonnet). We spend the night at a Radisson hotel, with pool and hot-tub, and catch the long-haul flight to the U.K. Eitan is the perfect seat mate, as he watches the digital entertainment for 10 hours including the cartoon move with Bruce Willis "Over The Top" three times (3X). Madeleine has a harder time, but both kids keep it together. Neither slept. At home, Aggie awaits us and Sonnet and I use today Friday to due some errands, and I move into my new office close to home (less than 10 minutes).
This photograph of the flag taken by Eitan.
At the airport beyond security, Sonnet points out that I don't have my camera, which has been left in the rent-a-car (damn!). I call Alamo Denver Airport, speak to a gal who uses her walkie-talkie to speak to a field agent. The camera is located and put on a ground transportation bus to the terminal (guy heavily tipped). I speak to the head of Airport Security, who gives me a red-card, and accompanies outside of the security zone. I meet the bus, collect my camera, re-pass security and race to the gate with two minutes to spare. Sonnet was sure she would see me somepoint in London - and had even told the kids so!