Wednesday, May 22

Munir And Exams

Our friend Munir, with flag, who joined us along the KKH in '97. Munir is from Pakistan and, at the time of our trip, responsible for small business and commercial development along the highway.  Here he visits Silver and and Stan, who accompanied Munir along Alaska's Dalton Highway.

Some things Eitan will require for his year-end exams, which take place after the half-term break (Katie always suffered the Xmas holidays because Harvard insisted on having its finals post holidays) : a pen (and spare pens), pencils and a pencil sharpener, a ruler, a rubber, colouring pencils, a calculator, a protractor, a pair of compasses and a set square; the items " should be contained in a see-through pencil case or plastic wallet."  King Jr High was never so anal.