Isle Of White
Eitan on the Isle of Wight with chums Luke and Ariane - pictures from the school website. Otherwise, no word. The kids are alright.
Madeleine, over my shoulder: "So. Jealous."
Rusty bites on a squeaky toy animal.
Me: "You know, he likes that because it mimics a dying animal."
Madeleine: "Not true."
Me: "True."
Madeleine: "Prove it."
Me: "How?"
Madeleine: "Look it up on the Internet."
Me, reading: " 'One theory on why dogs like squeaky toys is the nature of the squeak. In the wild, an injured prey animal would emit similar squeaks and cries, thereby revealing its position and condition. The noise generated by a rubber or plush variation on a prey animal can be just as satisfying to a dog.'"
Madeleine: "See, that's just a theory, Dad."