Saturday, October 4

Blood Red

Nanny calls in sick yesterday so I pick up the kids from school and eventually take Eitan to swim team at St Paul's. Madeleine and I go for an autumnal walk by the Thames nearby the Hammersmith Bridge ("no dad!"). As the tide is in, the river something to behold. She and I get a treat at a nearby cafe and I do my best to entertain her but sometimes I fail; she is in a reflective mood and craddles her head in her arms. From there - we pick up the boy and get pizza and finally bed around 9PM.

This morning begins with Madeleine swimming at the Bank of England club; while she swims Eitan and I footie so I get some excercise. Then two more hours of football and I watch shivering. Madeleine slips on cement thanks to her cleats and tears roll, oh boy. She finds a walking stick which she dramatically uses to get around the house: "thank goodness I have my stick" she adds. Both now watch a vid of the winter play and giggle at themselves and their friends. Madeleine has requested a visit to the toy store to chose her Halloween costume while Eitan contemplates fake-blood: "I'm gonna get some."

"I'm so bored I can't even move . . . "

(Eitan kicks the ball inside the house) tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap . .. .