Friday, March 8

My Mother and the Movies

30 minutes early eg right on time
Grace and I go to the movies a couple weeks ago - American Fiction - which has been, and remains, one of my mother's favourite things, and she is always up on the cinema. Since my father's passing, Grace has been mentally sharp and, while mostly indoors due to parkinson's, which both my parents have/ had, she keeps in touch with her dear friends, which are like gold dust, including Katrina (Montessori sister), Sue Barton (movie dates), Jeanine Saperstein (lifelong discussions), Laurie Berman (shared worldviews), Alan (Moe's law partner and Harley rider) and Ellen (Jewish mother) and her two sisters, Marcia and Carla, who were in Berkeley last week.  I am certainly missing other friends who bless my mom in this universe. 

Leaving Astorg has allowed me a lot of time in Northern California, a place I love. 

56 year friendship