Tuesday, February 7

Eitan's Bedroom

Eitan and I to Fulham football practise but cancelled due to cold (frozen pitch).  At Eitan's urging, and to his great surprise, we stop at Krispy Kreme on the way home and I love it : real Americana right next to the fly-over, complete with booths of teen-agers drinking coffee.  We select a box of twelve donuts, eat four, and bring the rest home for breakfast or whenever.  Since Madeleine not with us, she gets first choice on the next four.  Eitan grumbles but thems the rules.

Driving home. Eitan: "Do you think I could eat a billion oranges?"
Me: "Interesting . .."
Eitan: "I mean, if they are peeled."
Me: "Well, let's break it down. How long will you live?"
Eitan: "80 years."
Me: "So how many days is that ?
Eitan: "Um, 29,200."
Me: "Good, and what is one billion divided by 29,200? You can round to 29,000 if you want."
Eitan: "34,482."
Me: "That's a lot of diarrhea."
Eitan: "I could still do it."
Eitan: "Do you think there are a trillion grains of sand on the beech?"
Me: "Break it down for me, kid .. ."