Wednesday, November 16

Big Brother Is Now

The Lancaster City, PA, Council voted unanimously to begin near-constant aerial surveillance of its city from May 1. (Did you know that Lancaster is the oldest inland city in the United States?)

The surveillance will be done by a piloted Cessna 172 fixed-wing aircraft for 10 hours a day and will cost the city $300 an hour, or about $90,000 a month. The technology, developed by the Lancaster-based Spiral Technology, Inc., includes the use of infrared imaging. "The camera could spot a home invasion robbery or track unsuspecting criminals. It could note car accidents so patrol cars could get there more quickly," city officials told the Los Angeles Times. Lancaster will be the first city in the nation to use the technology, which has previously only been used by the military, NASA and a few other federal agencies.

Me: "How was your visit to [Head Master] Mr H's offices (for poor behavior)?
Madeleine: "I didn't have to go."
Me: "Oh? Why not?"
Madeleine: "Mr B forgot."
Me: "Maybe I should have a talk with Mr B."
Madeleine: "No! That is so unfair!"
Me: "How is your behavior, then?"
Madeleine: "Fine. You are so cruel."
Me: "It was not me mis-behaving young lady."
Madeleine: "It wasn't a Big Deal, anyhow, Dad."
Me: "You don't get to decide that."
Madeleine: "You just want to see me in trouble."
Me: "No, just the opposite, actually."
Madeleine: "Are you going to talk to Mr B?"
Me: "We shall see how it goes and that is the best you are going to get from me."

Photo from the movie "1984".