Sunday, October 30

Naked Yuf

I am as shocked , and titillated , as Bill Murray to meet Alexis Dziena, pictured, in the movie "Broken Flowers" - Dziena plays "Lolita", the daughter of an ex-lover with whom Murray re-connects (Murray BTW, upon seeing Dziena, freaks, leaves house). This has particular relevance as I research content-filtering programs (according to Family Safe Media, the average age of first Internet exposure to pornography is 11).

So how are things different from the '80s , or when I was about Dziena's age ? For one , young people know each other online , which takes care of the first number of dates. The web offers an enormous local sample size which is quickly screened and leads to an active portfolio of ten to 20 active , possibly sexual, "leads" . I know this from the Associate pool at one of my venture funds. Privacy, or its perception, stems from the anonymity and scale of the web+every young persons' bubble. Definitions have changed, too, thanks to Clinton : my idea of 2nd or 3rd base will be different from my kids. And how to react when "a significant minority of 13-14 year old boys schedule their social time around viewing porn with male friends" ? (Univ. of Alberta study, Online Pornography, 2007)

As with every generation, mine will be caught out when it comes to our kids. Our only defensive : open communication. While awkward for the Shakespeares , I pay it no mind.