Golden Jubilee Bridge
Here I am on another river crossing, this time the Golden Jubilee Bridge and one of two nouveau walkways bracketing the Charing Cross Bridge connecting the railway station/ Victoria Embankment and Waterloo across the way. Since you ask: There are 12 `public` bridges in London's centre+three rail bridges (Blackfriars, Charing Cross and Grosvenor Rail); A further 17 bridges cross west of Battersea Bridge until Hampton court bridge which is the last in London. Going East you also have the Queen Elizabeth Suspension bridge near Dartford. So the grand total is 33 bridges crossing the our mighty river.
BTW that small pointy thing next to the dude facing us will soon be Europe's tallest building.
Sonnet takes Madeleine to a Japanese restaurant for dinner.
Sonnet takes Madeleine to a Japanese restaurant for dinner.
Sonnet: "So, how am I doing as a mom?"
Madeleine: "I like the fun things you do with me ..."
Sonnet: "That's nice."
Madeleine: "But sometimes you say 'no' too much."
Sonnet: "Oh?"
Madeleine: "And, you know mom, sometimes we could have more sweat treats."
Madeleine: "And sometimes you get my hopes up."
Sonnet: "Like when?"
Madeleine: "Today it was the play date" [Sonnet got the day wrong which made Madeleine cry].
Madeleine: "Oh, and then there was that other one. It was bigger than a play date. Oh, I know! It was the walk with Natasha. You promised me that two weeks ago.. ."
Sonnet: "Thank you for telling me."