Tuesday, February 8


I pick up Madeleine early from school to visit the High Street optometrist and our little dear's dreams come true : glasses. I tell her she can have the ones pictured which gets an "oh, Dad" and I spend the better part of an hour waiting for her to pick out a pair. This is her decision though I am quietly delighted when she chooses a pair of flash rectangular injection molds in Halloween orange. She is torn between these and the more sensible metal frames. The helpful Dr offers something in the middle and our bookworm sold.

Madeleine complains about breakfast which, she notes, "always the same." So today we go to Waitrose to jazz things up which means - sugar cereal. Not. (Madeleine's pupils dilated from her eye-test and she squints at the boxes and loudly states "I am blind.") In the end we get Sultana scones and Cheerios. Same as it ever was.

Sonnet: "You got her scones?"
Me: "Yeah, so?"
Sonnet: "I can just see it now: 'Please Dad can you get me some scones .. .'"
Me: "Well, she wanted chocolate croissants."
Sonnet: "You're such a softy."