Friday, December 31


We have lunch at the Pembroke Lodge which began life as the mole catcher's cottage in Richmond Park. Hunters wished to hunt without the threat of ..molehills .. tripping them up, you see. The mole catcher's cottage eventually extended into something bigger and given to Elizabeth Herbert, the countess of Pembroke, principal lady-in-waiting to George III. Elizabeth then built further, creating the building today more-or-less. There is a large dining hall with comfy chairs and a number of gardeners rooms and quiet places. In 1847 Queen Victoria granted Pembroke Lodge to prime minister Lord John Russell. In 1854 the Earl of Aberdeen's Cabinet met at Pembroke Lodge and decided to proceed with the Crimean War against Russia. The lodge offers lovely views of the park and Teddington and beyond and is also a lovely spot for a pot of tea.

Eitan: "Gracie, out of ten, how much did you like 'MegaMind' (a cartoon-movie we saw the other day)?
Grace: "About a six."
Eitan: "So you didn't really like it."
Grace: "It's a strong moral tale that blasts in your face. Do you know what a 'moral tale' is?"
Eitan: "It is a message that you should always keep trying and never give up."
Madeleine: "Be very good and not evil."
Grace: "Yes, those are good thoughts."

Eitan: "What do you get when you cross a dinosaur and a pig?"
Me: "What?"
Eitan: "Jurassic pork. Ha ha ha! I get it!"

Eitan: "Why did the crab blush?"
Me: "Enough already."
Eitan. "Because the sea weed."
Eitan: "I liked the other one better."

Eitan, hiding: "Boo!"
Sonnet: "Ah! Don't ever do that again! You scared the bejesus out of me!"
Me: "That was some excellent positive re-enforcement."
Sonnet: "Grrrr"