Thursday, December 2


Aneta has been with us since summer. She is our au pair from a small village somewhere in the Czech Republic. She is in London to learn better English. No doubt, Aneta an adjustment from Natasha from Romania but the kids are doing fine if confused by yet another accent (Before Natasha, Aggie from Poland). Aneta twenty years old and a brave soul to come Britain without knowing any one (been there, done that) - we found her through an agency referral. It is because of her that Madeleine's dream of a dog has come true - Aneta able to be with "Rusty" during the day - and in fact, they are great pals. "Rusty" refuses to walk beyond a half-block with anybody other than her.

The UK gets six inches of snow and all hell breaks loose. Or breaks down. The M25 a 26 mile parking lot as drivers forced to spend a second night in their car or find shelter at a parish or hotel. Nothing fun about that. Why on earth does this happen every winter causing misery and damaging the economy? The Germans snigger - they have plenty of salt and ploughs and whatever else needed to clear a little snow. They are not girly boys.

"The day you sign a client is the day you start losing them."
--Roger Sterling