Saturday, April 3


I have mostly avoided following the scandal inside the Roman Catholic Church. I am not Christian nor raising my kids with any form of organised religion. I am forced, however, to re-consider this position as Sonnet notes the Catholic Church one of the largest land-owners in Europe and the Pope has the authority to meet with global leaders. The Pope is followed by millions of people around the world while Catholicism is the fastest growing religion in Africa and many developing countries. The scandal matters and the Church's knee-jerk response to hide paedophiles abhorrent and touches us all. Sonnet tells me the Priest who married her parents in Anchorage, Alaska, disappeared suddenly in the 1970s with no public explanation. Stan and Silver learned years later that he had been transferred to a clinic to "rehabilitate" himself after his abuse of children discovered. Presumably he remained in the Church for many years after if not today. In Germany, the cover-up of a priest systematically abusing 200 deaf children shocking in its evil. The Church responds by comparing the response to Catholics as similar to the persecution of the Jews. This so wrong-footed it beggars belief.

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