A Motley Crew
Kids assembled, we do a line-up before marching out the door. Our block relatively quiet for trick-or-treaters as there are older couples sans children. We head for the honey-pot or a street where the neighbors compete for the best affects. Antony, for instance, an actor on a popular T.V. show who blacks out his house and wires the front for sound - howling wind and ghoulish cackles .. the kids gather at his door and slowly it opens .. opens .. and then his grey hand and a blood soaked shirt appear ..finally a face .. eyes glassed over - extends a gruesome box of various candies. We adults giggle nervously and the kids bolt, screaming - especially the under 6's. Bravo! Another house with a long black tent inviting the kids into darkness and .. who knows? Even Eitan hesitates before the over-riding need for more sweets overcomes his inhibition. There are many well-carved pumpkins and the kids move from house to house just like Charlie Brown. In our crew, as can be seen, we have a dalmation, Dr Death, Dracula and Madeleine, with a spike in her head. She and Eitan argue about the make-up, which he somehow feels rightly his until I point out that his Bart mask does not allow for it. Anthony joins us and afterwards we have dinner and drink red wine, eventually watching a couple of episodes of 'Mad Men' before bed. All together, a good night in London.
Me: "What does Hallowe'en mean to you you?"
Madeleine: "Treats, candy, having fun."
Me: "Anything else?"
Madeleine: "Can I eat my candy now?"