Thursday, July 2

Maximo Silvio

Consider, if you will, the normal political scandal: usually pretty boring and includes money, bribes or expenses. Maybe the occasional vote rigging. The Republican party. Few catch the public's eye and many more never see the light of day. Contrast this to the recent sex scandals with Vitner, Sanford and Berlusconi - and presto! we get investigative journalism at its very best. Take Silvio today: it turns out that he pays Domenico Cozzolino to pose as Noemi Letizia's boyfriend and they are dutifully captured by Chi magazine kissing away in the Naples sunset - pictured. Well, this did not sit well with Cristina Tatenko, a 25-year-old Russian model who claims that she is Mr. Cozzolino's girlfriend and that Mr Cozzolino had assured her that he had a work relationship with Ms. Letizia only. More gum shore work. Mr Cozzolina eventually adds, in an exclusive interview with Diva e Donna, that Ms Letizia had asked him to pose as her boyfriend "three or four days" after her 18th birthday party where she received a golden necklace from Silvio; says Cozzolino: "I think someone put her up to it." Poor Silvio - even the Church against him: Cardinal Walter Kasper says "everybody, but above all a head of government, should behave with seriousness and sobriety and not indulge in excesses." I don't imagine Silvio concerned about going to hell - he's having to much fun in the here and now. But still, words do mean something sometimes especially when coming from the Vatican in this most Catholic of countries. Yesterday Berlosconi was booed - booed! - on a public visit to Viareggio; he was also forced to cancel a state trip to Libya. All of this in the run-up to the next G8 shortly. And how does the oily Silvio respond? The protests, he says, are down to personal envy and political hate and were all organised by the Left, "which is the enemy of Italy." Ah, yes - it is always those God Damn Liberals every time.

Watching the news. Me: "are you afraid of anything?"
Eitan, without looking up: "Swine flu."