Sunday, October 5

Purple Rain

Eitan is at the movies with his pals Joe-Y-H and Sirus leaving me a special day with Madeleine (Sonnet returns tomorrow). The weather is Cat-In-The-Hat yet we make a go of it at McDonald's, the #1 choice for lunch, where she orders a Happy Meal with "chicken" nuggets and a cheese-burger on the side. I have fruit beforehand but otherwise take a pass at the restaurant - it really says something, boy, when you won't eat the food served to your kid. Over lunch, I determine Madeleine's state of mind asking about any worries. She replies "[I worry] about the dogs in the pound; about running out of gas; about Eitan getting lost; and how animals get treated."

I probe further noting "that any problem has a solution if we talk about it" but she shakes her head: "Not everything dad: flying. And flowers can't walk. Babies can't talk when they are first born. Candles cannot light themselves"
and I must admit she presents several points. I wrap up asking if she could do anything, what would it be? "If you put me in the wild, with anything I could do, the first thing is I would get a pup."

Madeleine walks about with a stiff leg due to her injury yesterday. This gets lots of strange looks on the high street as she hobbles along. Most of the looks are towards me BTW and I tell Madeleine to stop. She's no dummy: "will you get me something if I do?" she asks.

Can there be any doubt that Sarah Palin wants to be President? This hussy is already maneuvering, comparing her VP to Truman who became the boss when his boss died. How unpleasant to see naked ambition especially when it effects ME and my KIDS. Frank Rich offers another excellent piece in today's NYT; Rich has been consistently on-the-money starting 18 months ago when he was the first pundit to see Obama.