Here's the old photographer in his train cabin, circa 2002 when he was touring Canada's West.
Speaking of places I would like to visit, Sonnet and I are thinking about Christmas in... Poland! (her idea) while I have yet to see Prague or Venice. Soon enough, if not already, Eitan and Madeleine will be able to travel long-haul to exotic locations and I hope we do this while I can still boss them around. On my day-dreaming list I include Alaska (sadly we did not visit during our California courtship when a trip would have been painless), Patagonia and Egypt. I would also like to return to Central Asia to trek in the Pamirs or Karakorums famous for K-2. One day I will do the John Muir trail with the kids when they are older, and the Dolomites too. This is just a starter, mind you. Happily I can check off the Empire State Building with the kiddies thanks to Katie.